I am a member of The Mindful Birth Group, and I teach private courses in the comfort of your own home or over zoom.
The course includes:
6 hours of ‘live’ learning
A printed MindfulNatal course guide
Affirmation card pack
Relaxation audios
Birth preference sheets
Extensive online resource library covering all aspects of pregnancy care
WhatsApp support for any questions about your personal pregnancy situation, right up until you meet baby and beyond
e-Learning zone with on-demand videos covering:
Newborn feeding (colostrum harvesting, breast, bottle and pumping)
Baby sleep
Baby first aid
Introducing baby to siblings
Introducing baby to pets
Carriers and slings
Bringing baby home- what you need to know / prepare
Bonding with baby
Parent mental health
Choosing childcare
What we will cover in the course
All birth types: VaginalSure! Please share the text you want me to simplify.
We cover everything you need to have a calm and confident birth experience, however birth happens:
Taking out the unknowns and using MindfulSure, please provide the content of the page you would like to improve.Natal hypnobirthing:
The science behind the mind body connection and the hormones and muscles of birth
What you can control vs what you can’t control and how to overcome feelings of anxiety
Learn how to stay calm and in control for all births using mindfulness and hypnobirthing tools and techniques
The stages of labour
Optimising your birth space
What to pack in your birth bag
Your options:
Birth place options
Your birth team including your birth partner/s and care team options
Comfort measures and medicated pain relief options
Induction methods and what your options are
Assisted birth including forceps, ventouse, episiotomy
Unplanned caesarean abdominal birth
Navigating unexpected turns
Making informed decisions about your birth
Writing birth preferences for all scenarios
Postnatal recovery
What to expect and how to prepare
How others can support you
We cover everything you need to have a calm and confident abdominal birth experience:
Taking out the unknowns and using Mindful Natal hypnobirthing:
The science behind the mind body connection and the hormones of parenthood
What you can control vs what you can’t control and how to overcome feelings of anxiety
The day you meet baby, a step-by-step walk through on what to expect and how to prepare
What to pack in your hospital bag
How to stay calm and in control using mindfulness tools and techniques
Your options:
Making your environment oxytocin friendly during pregnancy, the birth and postnatally too
Navigating unexpected turns including going into labour before the planned birth date
Writing your birth preferences and communicating them with your care providers
Postnatal recovery
What to expect and how to prepare
How others can support you